If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer. Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring. Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify. Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and an Alaska Paragard Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions. This is a free consultation. There are no legal fees unless you receive money. Operators are standing by. Call now.
Causes of Infertility in Women with Symptoms
When a woman cannot become pregnant, she often worries something is seriously wrong with her or her partner. However, there can be a number of different causes of infertility and very few are truly serious conditions or ones that cannot be overcome. Causes range from hormone problems to pelvic diseases. The symptoms experienced depend on the cause. Of course, there are times when no cause is found at all.
Paragard Lawsuit Alaska
Various Causes of Infertility
Looking at the possible causes of infertility in a woman, there are a long list, some being found in either sex. The causes that can be present in both males and females include:
• DNA damage – can come from radiation, drugs, and the like
• Genetic factors
• Thyroid disorders
• Adrenal disease
• Diabetes
• Environmental factors – such as toxins from glues, chemical dusts or pesticides
Paragard Lawsuit Alaska
Infertility causes specific to women include:
• Hormones unbalanced
• Ovulation system not working optimally
• Damage to fallopian tubes due to sexually transmitted infections or pelvic inflammatory disease
• Uterine problems
• Clotting disorders
• Overweight
• Advancing age
Paragard Lawsuit Alaska
Symptoms Accompanying Infertility
Any symptoms appearing in a woman who is experiencing infertility calls for a trip to the doctor to have an exam. Exploration of the problem may lead to a resolution.
When infertility stems from changes in ovulation or the menstrual cycle, a woman may experience heavier or lighter periods than usual, irregular cycles or no periods at all. She may have pain in the pelvic region or in the back. She could have cramping.
Hormonal imbalances have their own set of symptoms. They can include changes in the skin, such as acne, changes in her sex drive, hair growing on the chest, lips or chin, weight gain or loss of hair.
Paragard Lawsuit Alaska
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