Paragard IUD Lawsuit

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Copper IUD Lawsuit Maine - Paragard Lawyer Maine

What Are the Most Popular Forms of Birth Control and Why?

Have you ever wondered how and why different types of birth control become popular? There are so many varieties of birth control options out there for women. Birth control is a very personal choice, but it is influenced by what you hear.

If you hear your friend raving about a certain type of birth control, you might want to ask your doctor about it too. Birth control goes through trends and some things that were once popular 20 years ago are becoming more popular today. The IUD is an example of one of those options. Let’s take a look at birth control options and talk about the ones that are popular now.

Copper IUD Lawyer Maine

Varieties of Birth Control Forms

What makes a birth control form popular? Certainly, its effectiveness is on the top of the list. You aren’t going to want to use a birth control form that isn’t reliable are you? Friends and family may influence your choice of birth control as well. Your partner may also influence what you choose based on what they are comfortable with.

We will put birth control options into four categories from least effective to most effective.

Copper IUD Lawyer Maine

Least effective birth control:

•    Fertility awareness type methods (Natural Family Planning, charting, etc)
•    Spermicide

Fairly effective birth control:

•    Male condom
•    Withdrawal
•    Sponge
•    Diaphragm
•    Female condom
•    Cervical cap

Very effective birth control:

•    Shot (Depo)
•    Ring (Nuva Ring)
•    Pill
•    Patch

Extremely effective birth control

•    Female sterilization (getting tubes tied)
•    IUD
•    Implant
•    Vasectomy

Paragard Lawyer ME

What is Most Popular Now?

The pill is still one of the most widely used contraceptives. It is well tolerated and is offered with varying levels and types of synthetic hormones that best fit the individual. IUDs are gaining popularity. Both the hormonal (Mirena) and the copper (ParaGard) are very effective forms of birth control and the women has very little maintenance once it is put in place.

Copper IUD Lawyer Maine

After women have children, they might want to choose something more permanent. In that regard, vasectomies are becoming even more widely used now than before. Tubal ligation is still used as well. The advantage with a vasectomy is that it can be done in the office with minimal recovery time. Vasectomies and tubal ligations are considered sterilization or permanent forms of birth control that cannot be guaranteed to be reversed.

If you are curious about learning more about all the forms of birth control, discuss it with your doctor at your next appointment.

Copper IUD Lawyer Maine

Serving entire state including:

Portland, Bangor, Lewiston, South Portland, Auburn, Sanford, Biddeford, Acton, West Paris, Nobleboro, Rockwood, Burlington, Rumford, Sebasco Estates, Skowhegan, Sebago Lake, Frenchville, Litchfield, Madison, Canaan, Cumberland Foreside, Manchester, East Millinocket, Monroe, Bar Mills, West Poland, Solon, South Paris, Canton, Bethel, Walpole, West Boothbay Harbor, Farmingdale, Tenants Harbor, Westfield, Hampden, Harborside, Manset, Wayne, Orono, Liberty, Bernard, Chebeague Island, Windsor, Van Buren, West Buxton, Warren, Springfield, Franklin, West Baldwin, Searsport, Jay, Anson, West Farmington, Frankfort, Mount Vernon, Brunswick, Lagrange, Palmyra, Gardiner, Woolwich, Cranberry Isles, Newport, Guilford, Cutler, Holden, Alfred, Lincoln, Carmel, Poland, Union, Rumford Center, Bowdoin, Swans Island, Dresden, East Livermore, Jackman,  Winterville, Lubec, North Vassalboro, Danville, Lambert Lake, Augusta, Fort Kent Mills, Vanceboro, New Harbor, Hancock, Casco, Islesford, Thomaston, Moody, Roxbury, Windham, Gouldsboro, New Gloucester, Sherman Station, Little Deer Isle, New Portland, Bucksport, Greene, Thorndike, Benedicta

Copper IUD Lawyer Maine - Paragard Lawyer Maine

If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer.  Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring.  Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify.  Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and a Maine Copper IUD Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions.  This is a free consultation.  There are no legal fees unless you receive money.  Operators are standing by.  Call now.

Copper IUD Lawyer Maine - Free Consultation - 1-866-777-2557