Paragard IUD Lawsuit

IUD Lawsuit Delaware - Paragard IUD Lawyer DE

If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer.  Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring.  Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify.  Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and a Delaware IUD Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions.  This is a free consultation.  There are no legal fees unless you receive money.  Operators are standing by.  Call now.

IUD Lawsuit Delaware - Paragard IUD Lawyer Delaware

IUDs are among the most effective birth control methods, with a failure rate of less than 1%. So getting pregnant while relying on an IUD for birth control is rare. Still, it does happen—and the outcome can be scary.

The reasons this happens can vary. In some, the IUD exits the uterus. It can fall out completely or partially. Or, more dangerously, it can embed in and finally perforate the uterus, in some cases making its way out and into their organs. This situation can have many harmful effects, including fever, nausea, pain and other symptoms of septic infection in the body. But one effect is the loss of pregnancy prevention. Users whose IUD fell out may not always be aware it happened.

IUD Lawsuit Delaware

Another possibility is getting pregnant before the IUD’s effectiveness kicks in. This applies to hormonal IUDs, which take about a week for the hormones they release to take effect (changing the uterine environment and partially blocking ovulation). If a hormonal IUD is left in for much longer than the recommended five years, it could decline in effectiveness as the hormonal reservoir is depleted, also creating a risk of pregnancy. (Since IUDs remain effective for some period of time after the recommended removal date—and even “inert” IUDs retain some effectiveness—it’s not clear exactly how great this risk is.)

So what happens if a user gets pregnant with an IUD? The first step is to determine if the pregnancy is ectopic, a very high probability in this situation. An ectopic pregnancy is one that grows outside the uterus, such as in the fallopian tube. It can’t be carried to term and could be fatal, so it must be terminated through either drugs or surgery.

IUD Lawsuit Delaware

IUDs don’t increase overall risk of ectopic pregnancy; they so greatly increase overall pregnancy risk that any pregnancy that does result has a higher chance of being ectopic. But in cases where the IUD has perforated the uterus or been linked to pelvic infection, the resulting damage can increase ectopic pregnancy risk.

If the patient wants to keep the baby, it’s important to remove the IUD quickly if possible—having it there will greatly increase the risk of miscarriage. This may not always be possible. The uterus grows with pregnancy, possibly causing the IUD strings to retract until they’re not accessible.

IUD Lawsuit Delaware

IUD users don’t expect to get pregnant, and may not be wary of signs of pregnancy. Mirena users often have their period stop entirely, making it even more difficult to notice that they are pregnant. Users should be aware both of pregnancy symptoms and of signs that their IUD has become embedded or dislodged, such as nausea or unexplained bleeding.

For those who decide they want to get pregnant, the good news is that they can typically start trying to get pregnant immediately after removal, and removing it takes just a quick office visit.

IUD Lawsuit Delaware

IUD Lawyer Delaware - Free Consultation - 1-866-777-2557

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