IUD Lawsuit Georgia - Paragard IUD Lawyer GA

If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer.  Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring.  Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify.  Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and a Georgia IUD Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions.  This is a free consultation.  There are no legal fees unless you receive money.  Operators are standing by.  Call now.

IUD Lawsuit Georgia - Paragard IUD Lawyer Georgia

The history of IUDs in humans dates back to the early twentieth century, when doctors first began to speculate on the possibility that a device inserted in the uterus might prevent pregnancy. Today, IUDs including the ParaGard have become a popular choice, but their history is complex.

The first IUD, invented by Dr. Richard Richter of Germany, was a ring made of silkworm gut with its ends dangling from the cervix to allow for easy removal.  The device wasn’t mass marketed, but just tested on his patients. Similar models were tested by other doctors in a process of trial and error.

In the twentieth century, researchers experimented with materials and shapes, including rings and coils, metal (such as silver) and plastic. One model, the Lippes Loop, was mass-marketed and became popular. In 1969 an IUD that took the form of a simple plastic T was pioneered, but it had a mediocre success rate. Also in the 60s, researchers discovered the ability of copper in the uterus to prevent pregnancy highly effectively.

IUD Lawsuit Georgia

Multiple IUDs were being put on the market in that era. One was the Dalkon Shield, a beetle-shaped copper device that would ultimately cause big problems. The Dalkon shield had a poorly designed string that allowed bacteria to make its way through the cervix and cause uterine infections. The damage they caused resulted in infections and even infertility in many women.

The resulting bad publicity caused IUDs’ popularity to decline in the US, and many varieties that were less well tested were pulled from the market. Only one, the plastic T, was available.

IUD Lawsuit Georgia

It was in 1988 that the Paragard appeared, introduced by a public health nonprofit. Its inventors combined the existing knowledge that the T shape and the use of copper materials were effective. The ParaGard is made from plastic coiled with copper.

Since then, other IUDs have been brought to market that use a small dose of progesterone to boost effectiveness, but contain no metal. The Paragard remains the only copper IUD available to US patients.

In the 2010s, IUD use rose dramatically, with researchers reporting that more women had IUDs than ever before.

The safety record of the ParaGard remains good—nothing like the disastrous Dalkon Shield. Still, problems have emerged. One in 1,000 insertions result in the IUD embedding in or perforating the uterus. And in rare instances the devices perforates the uterus and wanders throughout the body, damaging other organs. The resulting tissue damage increases the risk of a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.

IUD Lawsuit Georgia

In some cases, patients who have undergone these problems have sued, alleging that the device was faulty or that the manufacturer failed to warn of potential dangers.

IUDs have come a long way since they were first developed through trial and error. The continued presence of occasional severe side effects continues to highlight the need for research to offer patients a range of safe and effective options.

IUD Lawsuit Georgia

IUD Lawyer Georgia - Free Consultation - 1-866-777-2557

Paragard IUD Lawsuit

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